On the other side of the color spectrum, reside my brightly-colored, hand-sculpted polymer clay monster figures. These miniature sculptures began as a few experimental pieces, and have ended up being the inspiration for a great deal of my work.
The polymer clay figures are created from a variety of different types of Sculpey and Fimo. They are usually cured in a standard oven at home, or in a toaster oven when I take them on location. I use a needle tool, a sculpting knife, and sometimes the end of a tiny paintbrush to make markings. I enjoy the simplicity of this process! Once they have been cured, I apply several layers of gloss varnish, to give them a glass-like finish.
For special occasions, they have been known to appear as limited-edition monster-hybrids. The monsters have represented the awesomeness of Frida Kahlo; celebrated the Lunar New Year, Groundhog Day and Chanukkah; and have made additional appearances as jewelry, ornaments, and monster sushi. I have also created some pieces grouping the figures together and combining them with found objects. In accordance with the current CDC guidelines, the monsters fully support those who have decided to wear face masks, and they are now wearing them too!